Lutra lutra seistanica


Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Mammals (Mammalia)
Order Carnivores (Carnivora)
Family Weasel family (Mustelidae)
Genus Otters (Lutra)
Species Authority Birula, 1912
Summary Status: vulnerable (Category II), it is rapidly decreasing in population size. One of 2 subspecies of otter in Kazakstan, it is currently distributed in the upper Ili River and its tributaries. Habitat areas are limited to water reservoirs with fish which is the otters basic food. The major limiting factor is the decrease of fish in water reservoirs that become too shallow due to the decrease of water flow in rivers and streams. The otters biology has not been studied; however, observations of the otter in other Commonwealth of Independent States countries where it is found, demonstrate that it is a resident species with seasonal local migrations. There are no data on captive breeding. Trapping of otter is already prohibited by law, but it is necessary to establish a reserve that will include water reservoirs of the Usek River system and the lower portion of the Charyn River.

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