Eremias multiocellata

Multiocellated racerunner

Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Reptiles (Reptilia)
Order Amphisbaenians (Squamata)
Family True lizards (Lacertidae)
Genus Racerunners (Eremias)
Species Authority Gunther, 1872
Summary Status: indeterminate (Category IV), in Kazakstan this lizard is known from single specimens found in the Lake Zaysan Basin and along the Maly Kokpak and Narynkol Rivers which are at the edge of its range. The main limiting factors affecting its distribution have not been determined. Artificial breeding methods have not been implemented and protective measures have not been developed to date. It is necessary to determine the present extent of the racerunners habitat in southeastern Kazakstan and the Lake Zaysan Basin and to study its biology.

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