Melanitta fusca

White-winged scoter

Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Birds (Aves)
Order  (Anseriformes)
Family  (Anatidae)
Genus  (Melanitta)
Species Authority Linnaeus, 1758
Summary Status: rare (Category III), although the total number in Eurasia is obviously high, the population in Kazakstan is unknown. At present, it is estimated that no more than tens of pairs are nesting in North Ka-zakstan region, including the Kokshetau region. A few nests are usually found near forested lakes or forest-steppe lakes full of bulrushes. Contributing factors to the signi-ficant population decline have not been studied and no protective measures have been implemented. Quantitative population and distribution surveys and studies on the ecology of its habitat are urgently needed.

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