Numenius tenuirostris

Slender-billed curlew

Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Birds (Aves)
Order  (Charadriiformes)
Family  (Scolopacidae)
Genus  (Numenius)
Species Authority Vieillot
Summary Status: endangered (Category I), very rarely seen, its actual distribution is unknown. But it is sparsely distributed in western Siberia. This small curlew inhabits brushy peat bogs. During its seasonal migration, the slender-billed curlew can also be found on steppe lakes. In Kazakstan it is occasionally observed in the region between the Volga and Ural Rivers and eastward to the Irtysh River. The size of the population is very small. Every year about 10 birds are observed. The factors limiting this species have not been studied. Therefore, it is necessary to study the biology and ecology of known populations. No hunting should be permitted until additional information is obtained on curlew populations.

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