Stenodus leucichthys

Inconnu, sheetfish

Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Fish (Pisces)
Order Salmonids (Salmoniformes)
Family Ciscos (Coregonidae)
Genus Inconnus (Stenodus)
Species Authority Guldenstadt, 1772
Summary Status: indeterminate (Category IV), no information is available about the population of this inconnu subspecies in Kazakstan, but its numbers must be very small. Its habitat is very narrow and includes parts of the north and middle Caspian Sea Basin. Adults reach 150 cm long and 30 kg and live up to 10 years. The inconnu or sheetfish is listed in The 1994 IUCN Red List of Endangered Animals and the taking of this fish is prohibited in Kazakstan. Artificial cultivation is being practiced in the Volga River.

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