Phrynocephalus melanurus

Black toad agame

Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Reptiles (Reptilia)
Order Amphisbaenians (Squamata)
Family Agamas (Agamidae)
Genus Toad agamas (Phrynocephalus)
Species Authority Eichwald, 1831
Summary Status: rare (Category III), isolated populations are found in small areas in the southern and northern parts of the Lake Zaysan Basin, in Aigyr Kum and in the Bukon Sand Dunes. The biology of this small diurnal lizard is not well known, but it is believed that its population is limited mainly by natural, as opposed to man-made (anthropogenic) factors. Captive and artificial breeding have not been done. In order to protect this species, it will be necessary to preserve several areas of steppe with virgin soils in the Lake Zaysan Basin. The habitat of the population in the Bukon Sand Dunes will be included within the projected Lake Zaysan Reserve.

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