Grus leucogeranus

Siberian white crane

Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Birds (Aves)
Order  (Gruiformes)
Family  (Gruidae)
Genus  (Grus)
Species Authority Pallas, 1773
Summary Status: endangered (Category I), found throughout Siberia. It nests in northern Yakutiya and the lower reaches of the Ob River. It is listed in the IUCN Red Data Book. In Kazakstan, it is seen during migration, primarily in the west, from March to May and September to November. The total number is estimated to be about 250, but in 1984-1985, 1,350 white cranes were observed in eastern China, including 119 young ones, which indicates that there might be some unknown nesting areas. In Kazakstan, most often it is seen in the Aral-Torgai depression in groups of up to 11 individuals. The Siberian white crane is protected in the Naurzum, Kur-galdzhin and Torgai Reserves. Proposed research activities include studying the life cycle of this bird during migration (fora-ging behavior etc.) and developing, together with Russian, Indian and American experts, an artificial breeding program.

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