Falco rusticolus


Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Birds (Aves)
Order  (Falconiformes)
Family  (Falconidae)
Genus  (Falco)
Species Authority Linnaeus, 1758
Summary Status: rare (Category III), irregularly wintering in Kazakstan. It is found in the Arctic regions of North America and Eurasia. During the winter, the gyrfalcon migrates south. It has been observed in the southern and eastern parts of Kazakstan. In 1933, a male adult of grey color was found near the city of Kokshetau and given to the Zoological Museum of the Moscow University. Within the past 12 years, the gyrfalcon has been only twice observed in Kazakstan. Limiting factors are unknown. There are 3 birds in the Almaty Zoo, but there has been no reproduction in captivity. Measures of protection include educational programs and the intensification of artificial breeding efforts.

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