Hucho taimen

Taimen trout

Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Fish (Pisces)
Order Salmonids (Salmoniformes)
Family Salmons (Salmonidae)
Genus Taimens (Hucho)
Species Authority Pallas, 1773
Summary Status: vulnerable (Category II), the only species of this genus in Kazakstan, it was once very widely distributed throughout the basin of the Irtysh River. Average adults weigh 5 to 10 kg but may reach 30 kg. The taimen trout population is decreasing rapidly due to the construction of hydropower stations and poaching. Artificial breeding attempts have not been initiated. Currently, the taking of specimens larger than 70 cm is prohibited, but additional protection measures must be taken. The reproduction of existing natural stocks must be protected and encouraged by ensuring open migration to spawning grounds. Illegal harvesting must be eliminated.

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