Gazella subgutturosa

Persian gazelle

Phylum Chordates (Chordata)
Class Mammals (Mammalia)
Order Even-hoofed mammals (Artiodactyla)
Family Hollow-horned ruminants (Bovidae)
Genus Gazelles (Gazella)
Species Authority Guldenstaedt, 1780
Summary Status: rare (Category III), its range and population size are decreasing in some areas. The Persian gazelle is distributed on the Ustyurt Plateau, in the Mangyshlak area, in the Ili River basin, and in the Kyzyl Kum, Tau Kum and Moiyn Kum Deserts. The total population in Kazakstan is estimated at 30,000 to 50,000 individuals of which 20,000 to 25,000 live in the Manghystau Region. The basic limiting factors affecting this species are antropogenic (poaching), biotic and climatic. Captive breeding was successful in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Persian gazelle is protected in the Ustyurt and Barsa-Kelmes Reserves, the Altyn Yemel National Nature Park and the Aktau-Buzachi Reserve. Additional reserves should be created in the Buzachi and Kyzyl Kum regions.

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