Ovis vignei arkal
Transcaspian urial
Taxonomy | |
Phylum | Chordates (Chordata) |
Class | Mammals (Mammalia) |
Order | Even-hoofed mammals (Artiodactyla) |
Family | Hollow-horned ruminants (Bovidae) |
Genus | Sheep (Ovis) |
Species Authority | Eversmann, 1850 |
Information | |
Summary | Status: rare (Category III), the habitat area and the population of this subspecies are limited. It is mainly distributed in the hills and mountains of the Ustyurt Plateau and the Mangyshlak Peninsula. The total population in Kazakstan is about 6,000 individuals. The main limiting factors are poaching and agricultural development within principal habitat areas. Captive breeding has been successful in the Ashgabat, Kharkov and Almaty Zoos. It is protected in the Ustyurt Reserve and Aktau-Buzachi and Karaginie-Karakol Preserves. A network of reserves should also be established in the Manghystau Region. |
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